Monday, September 5, 2011

Museum of Science and Industry

Today the family and I went to our first museum in Chicago.   We visited the Museum of Science and Industry.   I have never been to this place before but was really impressed.   There is so much to see and do that it is overwhelming.   The submarine exhibit was incredible.   I never knew submarines could be that interesting.   Afterwards we went out for some tacos and tortas.   It was a great way to spend Labor Day together. 

Tanya and Valentina walking in the South Side of Chicago

Valentina beginning to feel the Fall weather

Walking up to the museum

Space exhibit

Children's exploration area

Valentina playing around 

Tanya walking through the U-505 Submarine exhibit

Part of the main floor

Going to lunch at Los Camales

Having a great lunch

Valentina enjoying her steak taco 

Some cool technology at the Museum 

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