Sunday, September 25, 2011

Peruvian lunch and Little Italy

On Saturday the family and I took full advantage of a nice Fall day in Chicago.   We went to the South Side of the city to explore Little Italy.   But before beginning our walk we went to Machu Piccu  for lunch.  We've passed this place several times before but had never stopped to eat.  It was quite good but a little expensive for lunch.   I think we try to find other Peruvian restaurants before going back to Machu Picchu.

Chicago's Little Italy is not as well defined as other cities like New York, Boston or San Diego.   In fact there are more Irish people living there than Italians.   Nevertheless it was a nice neighborhood to explore and got to see the University of Illinois campus.  We did find some Italian family restaurants, like Tufano's,  that I'm sure we will go back to try.   Little Italy was a nice place to visit overall and am glad we did it.

Tanya and Valentina walking towards Machu Picchu

The Anticuchos were quite good at this place

This is one of my favorite Peruvian dishes, Aji de Gallina

Tanya is overwhelmed with her dish

Valentina is celebrating life

Columbus monument in Arrigo Park

Walking through Arrigo Park...what a great day!

Entering the University of Illinois campus

Jane Adams Hull house and museum  

Getting some frozen yogurt at Yogenfruz

Friday, September 23, 2011

Bonham, Texas

This week I visited with Jill, GE H.R., and Brian. GE Plant Director, the Digital Energy Bonham facility.   Bonham, Texas is the city where this plant is located.   I had no idea the GE had a plant in such a remote city.   I visited with key people at the plant to look for ways to improve inventory turns, lead-times and forecasting.   I now have a clear picture of what needs to be done short-term and long-term to improve the business.   I'm now going to build a business case to support the changes and then let the fun begin.

Outside the facility

Leaving the plant

Hotel where we stayed in Allen, Texas

This is one of our vendors, it was interesting to BE the customer for once

Brian checking in with the Chicago plant

Monday, September 19, 2011

Lunch and a circus

Today the family and I ate lunch with my friend Kevin Au at Cafe 28.    It was a very tasty meal and enjoyed by all.   Kevin was also nice enough to bring a gift for Valentina.    After lunch we went to the Brilliant Corners festival.   It was great to see a family-run circus for the price of $0.00.   I could not believe it but they charged nothing to see the circus.   Very worthwhile and hope to see the family again next year.   This was a great Sunday in Chicago.

Having some good Cuban food with Kevin

Gotta love gifts...thanks Kev

Entering the Festival

Walking the festival stands...had some excellent cupcakes

Enjoying a pre-show outside the circus tent

Valentina just woke-up from a nap 

Great time with the The Zoppe Family Circus

Cool acts and did I mention this was all FREE!  

Beginning of the circus

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Made it back home to the family and Chicago

After a long week of traveling it was great to back with the family.   I really enjoyed meeting all my colleagues in Europe and left with a better understanding of my business.   I'm excited about the potential opportunities to make a change in North America.   The next few months should be really fun, challenging and interesting.   I'm looking forward to a great week in Texas and meeting more members of the team.

Hanging out at the Swiss airline lounge in Milan

I like how European airlines gets their passengers on the planes with 2 entrances...way faster and much more efficient 

Thank you

Heading to the Swiss airline lounge in Zurich

This is a very nice lounge

You know its the big time when you get free gummy bears!!!

Business class is so nice on international flights

Massage chairs for the flight...nice feature

Flying over Chicago 

So happy to be back with the family 

Friday, September 16, 2011

Finishing up the business trip in Milan

Today I woke up to a beautiful morning in Locarno.   After having a great breakfast I headed to meet with Tizizano, GE Plant Director, for several meetings.   It is really amazing how much I've learned in 3 weeks about manufacturing.   This assignment is going to be such a game changer on my perceptions of how business is done. 

After the plant I headed to the Milan Hilton where I will spend the night.   I did get a chance to visit Milan's historic center.   It is nice but Milan overall is not so great.   There are a lot of run down buildings, tons of traffic and super expensive.  There are much better parts of Italy to live and visit.

I'm very excited about going home tomorrow.

Waking up in Locarno

Starting the day with a great breakfast

The smell of the fresh bread instantly took me back to my grandma Soccoro's kitchen

Every uniral should have a game to entertain all men

Great lunch

Learning from Tizizano, GE plant director

GE plant in Locarno

Side view of the GE plant

Crossing into Italy from Switzerland

Milan train station

Catching the Milan metro

View of the Main Square in Milan

Milan Duomo..very impressive church

Milan's Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II...fanciest mall I've ever seen

Inside the Galleria

Walking around the Galleria

Statue dedicated to Leonardo Da Vinci

Thursday, September 15, 2011

A long day to get to Locarno, Switzerland

I began the day at 4:30 A.M in Krakow. After checking out of the hotel I drove the rental car unto the street only to see that the city was completely covered in a heavy fog.  Somehow I managed to drive 15 kilometers to KRK airport.   Upon arrival I was told that my flight was delayed due to the heavy fog, DOH!   At 9:30 A.M. the plane finally left for Munich.  When I arrived in Munich it was announced that my next flight was also delayed. Doh!  I finally arrived in Milan at 1:00 P.M. and rented an Alfa Romero for the first time in my life.  Let me say this car is overrated and would drive anything else over it.  After 1.5 hours of driving I arrived to Locarno, Switzerland where GE Digital Energy has a plant.  I'm amazed there is a plant in this town as most people come here to vacation.   I'm not complaining but wish the I had more time to explore.  Tomorrow will be another long day.

Hanging out in Munich at the Lufthansa lounge

Officially the worst airline food ever...the smell was awful

Landing in Milan

View from my room at the Hotel Belvedere....Bet I know what your here

Here is a video of the view from my room...amazing

View from the outside of the hotel

Another view of the hotel

Eating all alone once again...worst part of traveling on business

Though I'm finally getting a great meal

One of many places to eat in Locarno

Gelato for good.

One of the many great squares in Locarno 

Walking the streets of Locarno...great way to unwind the day