Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Lazy weekend

I decided to take Friday off from work and spend time with the family.   It was a beautiful day that we decided to go into the city.  I took the family out to eat at Flo and Santos.   Alejandro and I first visited this place before the Mexico and Bosina soccer match.   They have a dish called Pork wings which is very delicious.   I have now been to this place 3 times and would go back w/o much hesitation.

Afterwards the family and I walked around Grant park and ended up at Buckingham Fountain.   This is a beautful fountain that everyone really enjoyed.   It started getting unbearably hot since there was not much shade in the area.   After 30 minutes at the fountain we walked back to the car.  After a 30 minute drive we met up with the Cartus estimater to determine how long it would take to box, load and ship our goods.   The wieght for all of our stuff came to 11,000 pounds.  I'm not sure if this is a lot?  This  is the first step in our move from Chicago to Houston.

On Saturday we prepared the house for lunch with the Spamers.   Tanya had invited them over for Posole.   She did a fantastic job in preparing a meal that was enjoyed by everyone.  After lunch Alex and I watched the France-Spain soccer game played in the 2012 Eurocup.   Spain ended up winning 2-0.   We then play FIFA 2012 on the PS3. 

After the Spamers left Tanya and I cleaned the house, bathed the kids and rented a movie.   I also stopped by a place called Big Boy's Gyro.   This place offered up a decent Gyro but our favorite place in the city is still tops.

The movie we rented was This Means War .   This movie turned out to be a mega chick flick.  I could not sit through it all and ended up taking a shower midway through the movie.  I thought the movie was a little far fetched and it seems Roger Ebert is in full agreement with me.

On Sunday we went to Lincoln Park and Summerfest.   As we walked into the festival there was a Dave Mathews cover band on the stage.   They sounded very good.   Valentina played around in the kids area with bubbles and crayons.  This was a really great way to spend an afternoon in Chicago.   

Me and the kids at Buckingham Fountain

The family enjoying a great day in Chicago

Valeria, Cecilia, Sophie and Daniel enjoying each other's company

Daniel checking out the scene

Having a great lunch together

Tanya cooking and serving for everyone

Pork wings-so good

Tanya enjoying her meal

Valentina munching on some fries

Leaving Flo and Santos

Walking through Grant park

Daniel and I trying to stay cool

Tanya walking up to Buckingham Fountain

The great city of Chicago

Valentina playing near the Fountain

Tanya trying to make Valentina pose for a photo

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