Monday, January 30, 2012

Valentina's birthday celebration

This weekend we celebrated Valentina's 2nd birthday.   It was a great day but the best gift she got was her grandma Naty arriving from Mexico to celebrate the day with her.

Naty arrived in Chicago on Saturday and  we got to the airport 45 minutes late, whoops.  Due to the Chinese New Year there was a parade held on our street!  This caused heavy traffic and delayed us getting to the airport.   Once we picked up Naty we took her to eat at the Butcher and the Burger.   I once again got an egg on my burger but will probablythe last time.   It is too much of a gut bomb.

On Sunday we had several friends and family members over at the house to celebrate with us.  I ordered Dominos Pizza for about 16 people.   Valentina had a great time with her friends and family.  But she got so tired she came to me and once I picked her up she instantly fell asleep.   This was the first time this has happened.

The party started at noon and ended around 6:00 PM.   We had a lot of pizza leftover but Naty and Tanya took care of that today.

This was a great weekend.  I head of for my first trip to China this week.  I'm excited and anxious.  Excited to finally get to see China and anxious to leave Tanya so pregnant.   But I know we have time and Naty will take good care of Valentina and Tanya while I'm gone.

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