Sunday, January 8, 2012

Mexico Lindo

Over the holidays the family and I went down to Mexico to celebrate with the family.  The following is a breakdown of our vacation.

Friday (16)
We left our home early in the morning and our neighbor Nathan Simington took us to the airport.   On the flight to Mexico we were able to score a middle seat for Valentina.   This made the trip down to Mexico more bearable and enjoyable for everyone.   I’m praying that on the return trip to Chicago we are able to get another middle seat. 
We arrived in Mexico around 2:00 PM and were greeted by Tanya’s parents. They were very happy to see us and especially thrilled to see Valentina. We were then taken to eat at the Hacienda de Jamacia. This was my first taste of authentic Mexican food and it was quite good. I had a pasta soup followed up with some tasty chicken covered in Chipotle. I also ordered one of my favorite dishes, queso fundido, for the table.
After lunch we headed to Tanya’s house where we rested for the day.
While waiting for our flight Tanya joins me for some breakfast at the airport Chilis

Valentina enjoying her FREE middle seat and Ipad movie

Naty, Tanya and Valentina at the Hacienda de Jamacia

The Hacienda de Jamacia

Valentina´s grandparents enjoying their time together
Saturday (17)
We started the day by going to a nearby plaza with Tanya and her Mom.   We had breakfast at El Bajio where I was able to eat my favorite Mexican dish, Barbacoa.   Then we took Valentina to get a haircut and Tanya decided to get one as well.   We then went to Zapamundi  which is a mall that sells only shoes.   It is a pretty interesting concept and is the place to go if you need a pair of shoes. 
In the afternoon Tanya’s parents threw us a welcome party and Posada.   A Posada is traditional Mexican Christmas celebration.   About 85 people showed up and it was a mix of friends and family.   It was really great seeing everyone again.   The party went into the evening and ended around 8:00 PM.
Valentina getting training on how to hit a pinata

Catching up with some great friends

Valentina with her Godfather, Pepe

Valentina trying to blow out the Posada candle
Sunday (18)
We began the day by having breakfast at the Hacienda de Cortes.   This place was one of the few places that Tanya and I had considered for our wedding reception.   But in the end there were too many rules and regulations that we walked away.   I had some molletes which were quite good.   Afterwards we walked through the center of Coyoacan.   This walk brought me back to Mexico and made me feel that I was back in the city.   We ended the walk at the cultural center.   This was the place where Tanya and I would come every Sunday to watch a free performance.   Tanya was pregnant with Valentina during these visits which I remember quite fondly.   

Naty, Tanya and Valentina entering the Hacienda de Cortes

Great breakfast

Tanya and Valentina enjoying the morning

Walking the streets of Coyoacan

Valentina and her grandpa walking through some exhibits

Valentina and her grandpa

Valentina roaming in the cultural center

Tanya, Naty and Pepe enjoying the Nativity exhibit

A great morning with the family

This photo includes me with the family
Monday (19)
I took the family to Polanco and visited PlazaCarso.  This plaza is Carlos Slim’s headquarters for his various businesses.  I only saw the beginning phase of the plaza and was very interested to see how it looked completed.  There is still a lot of construction but the museum, offices and commercial center are finished.   We went to see the Museum Soumaya which showcases Carlos Slim’s personal art collection.   It was quite impressive and very well presented.   I think every Mexican should visit this place since they contributed to its construction and contents.
We then had lunch at La casa del pastor for some tacos.   We also took time to visit with Elizabeth and Pilar who were the people who took care of me when I first arrived in Mexico City.   This mother and daughter team were very kind to me.   In fact I hired Elizabeth to clean and wash the apartment for me on a weekly basis.    It was great to see them during my visit.

Pilar and Elizabeth, my Mexican caretakers

Standing in front of Garabatos, my Dad´s favorite place to people watch in Mexico

Tacos al Pastor, so good

Tanya enjoying her meal

Entering Soumaya

Standing in front of Rodin´s The Thinker

Valentina walking up the ramp to the next exhibit

Valentina throwing a tantrum in front of a Van Gogh

Valentina looking to see if anyone is paying attention to her
Tuesday (20)
I went to visit the new GE offices in Plaza Samara. I went to lunch with Fernando Nunez, ’12 ECLP, at the Liverpool buffet. I used to eat at this buffet at least 2 times a month during my time in Mexico. I then went out for drinks to Big Yellow with my friend Evelia Hernandez. It was fantastic being back in the offices of GE Mexico. I really do miss working down here. However this feeling quickly faded as I left Santa Fe and had to confront the traffic. This is the part that makes working in Mexico unbearable and am glad it is in my past.

My good friend, Evelia Hernandez
Wednesday (21)
This day we went to our old stomping grounds, the Condesa.  I took the family for some Flautas to the Flautas restaurant (where else).  Afterwards we walked through Parque Mexico and went to the Nike store.   This store has a selection of very hard to find Nike shoes.   We did find a pair I liked but it was not in my size.   Then we walked past our old apartment in Amsterdam and headed back to our car.
It was very nice to visit the old neighborhood and see that not a lot of changes have been made.
That night I had dinner with my friend Luis Escobar.   We wents to the Angus in the Zona Rosa.  Let´s just say at this place there is some great meat and sometimes you eat well.

Tanya walking a sleeping Valentina through Parque Mexico

Tanya walking through Coyoacan

Getting some help from Valentina

Valentina striking a pose
Looking down from the market, can you spot Tanya and Valentina?

Valentina ordering some tacos

Valentina and I enjoying the day

Tanya enjoying her flautas
Flautas, so good
Having dinner with my good friend, Luis Escobar

Prime rib, yummy

Food coma
Thursday (22)
On this day went to see a musical called Si Nos Dejan. This was one of the most impressive productions I’ve ever seen. It incorporated a lot of technology and special effects to make this Mexican production a true spectacle. It also contained over 2 hours of traditional Mexican songs which were sung perfectly. I cannot think of a better production that I’ve seen here in Mexico. I left the play feeling that Mexico is truly a great country.
Friday (23)
This day Tanya and I met up with some friends at a Cantina they had rented out for the evening. It was great seeing them again and at the same time enjoying some great food. During this evening I learned a friend was pregnant, another was leaving GE, another going under surgery and other tales. I also had a total 9 rum and cokes that knocked me out around 3:00 AM. I must say that I felt these drinks for the following 2 days.
This night made me appreciate the friends I’ve made during the last few years. I do miss this part of living in Mexico.
Tanya and Myriam

The gang

The ladies having a great time

My good friends Luis Carlos and Alexis

Great couple, Zae and Alexis

Tanya enjoying the evening
Saturday (24)
Monica arrived at noon to the delight of everyone. It was great to see the whole family complete for Christmas.
That afternoon we went to have lunch with Naty’s family. There were about 20 family members there to celebrate Christmas with each other. The house is really small and we were all cramped in together. But it was great to see that everyone could enjoy each other’s presence in such a small space. Everyone really enjoyed the turkey prepared by Naty. The thing not so enjoyable was the smoking. This place has zero ventilation and the smoke quickly filled up the house. It was so bad that Tanya and I could barely see due to our eyes becoming irritated. I don’t know why these people don’t smoke outside but perhaps this social gesture has yet to make it over to the family.
We then left around 8:00 PM to Jose Luis family’s reunion. We were the first ones to show up and were me by Efraen and Adriana. As time passed more and more family members began to arrive. This meant that more and more gifts were being set underneath the Christmas tree. We began to have dinner around 10:30 and everyone was finishing up around midnight. I was on my third cup of coffee by this time and could barely stay awake. We began to distribute gifts and due to the noise Valentina was awoken. Due to the encouragement of everyone we brought her out to distribute the gifts. The gift distribution lasted over 2 hours and we left around 3:00 AM. I was exhausted.

Valentina dropping glitter all over the floor

Tanya and Monica enjoying some down time together

Monica teaching Valentina how to play the piano

The Santoyo Garcia women

Tanya enjoying the day with her family


Everyone staying connected

Jose Luis enjoying the holiday

Lupita bringing joy to everyone

All the ladies

Naty with her sisters-in-law
Sunday (25)
We started the morning later than usual due to the late night. We opened gifts and it seemed that Tanya and I scored the most gifts. It was really due to getting gifts for Daniel that added to the total.
We then ate a late brunch before getting ready to go back to Yolis house. Everyone had requested that we head back today so the family could see Valentina. We spent most of the afternoon there eating the leftovers from the previous night.
Afterwards we came back to the house for some much needed downtime.

Valentina opening her Christmas gifts

Valentina with gift overload

Valentina getting dressed by Grandma

Valentina getting some help from Monica

Valentina and I striking our pose

Tanya and Valentina in Plaza Santa Catarina

Monica, Valentina and Chule

Monica keeping a watchful eye

Monica and I in Perisur

Valentina doing some shopping
Monday (26)
We started the day off by going to the Plaza Santa Catarina for some breakfast. This is the plaza where Tanya and I got married. It is also one of my favorite spots for breakfast. I had my usual eggs, cheese and tortilla combo. This is my favorite breakfast here in Mexico. The setting is really fantastic.
That evening Tanya and I had dinner with our friends Jeff and Rosa. It was great to see that they are doing so well. Rosa is also pregnant and due to have her baby in April. This is an exciting time for them. They are also working on the Visa paperwork and we were able to share our experiences. Tanya and I are getting ready to start her Visa paperwork again now that we are approaching being married 3 years. I think that everyone had a great time this evening.

Princess Valentina playing with her new toys

Flan, so good

Having dinner with our good friends Jeff and Rosa
Tuesday (27)
This day the whole family went to Puebla. This is one of my favorite towns in all of Mexico. Upon arriving Jose Luis took us to one of his favorite breakfast spots, Mi Viejito Pueblito. This place had some great coffee, food and prices. It was really a nice way to start the day. The place had a playground for Valentina to play with other kids. We all enjoyed our time together.
I then took the family to see one my favorite churches in Mexico. This church is called Santa Maria Tonanzintla and is located in Cholula. It has one the most beautiful interiors that I’ve ever seen in a church. It is located in a little square where this day the town was having a festival. It was very picturesque.
We then went to our hotel the NH Puebla and walked towards the city center. We spent about 2 hours in the Zocalo and walking through the Cathedral. We then walked through a market to the artist’s barrio. There we sat and had some drinks. This was a fantastic way to spend the afternoon together. Then after a short walk we went to dinner at the Casa de la China Poblana. This is one of my favorite restaurants in all of Mexico. I invited the whole family to a great dinner. Everyone loved their meals and left very satisfied.

Valentina making new friends

Valentina enjoying the day with Pepe

Valentina getting lost in the day

Entering my favorite church in Puebla

Outside the church

Valentina crying cause she wants out of the stroller

Walking the streets of Puebla

Valentina is the center of attention

The family in the center of Puebla

Inside the Cathedral 

Walking through the market 

Crickets for sale

Tanya enjoys this treat...not me

Getting some advice from Death

Monica enjoying her drink

Pepe and Valentina in the Artist's barrio

Valentina the tourist

Puebla's main square

Valentina enjoying some bubbles

Pollo con good
Wednesday (28)
We awoke in Puebla and headed to Taco Tony’s for breakfast. This place has Arabian tacos and they are the best. Upon arriving we saw that they were not open yet and had to go elsewhere. I was very disappointed but had my eggs, cheese and tortilla breakfast again. Then we walked through the city to do some light shopping. On the way back I stopped and had one of the Arabian tacos from Taco Tony’s. It was awesome.
We then drove back to Mexico City and in the evening went to see Mission Impossible 3. The movie was enjoyed by everyone. Afterwards Jose Luis then took us to eat tacos al pastor at Tizoncito. It was a great day!

Valentina writing on the hotel's sheets

Valentina enjoying her breakfast

Entertaining Valentina so we can in eat in peace...thank you Steve Jobs

Valentina and her grandpa feeding the pigeons

Meat for the Tacos good 
Thursday (29)
I woke-up and quickly got dressed to get a haircut in la Condesa. This particular place is awesome! You get haircut, manicure and shoe shine at the same time. They can even wash your car if desired. They should offer this service in the USA.
I then came back to the house to pick up Tanya and Valentina to head to Coyoacan. There we met with my friend from GE, Yolanda Molina. Yolanda looked fantastic and we had a great Italian lunch. It was very nice to see my friend and really hope we remain in touch.
Afterwards we went to Sanborns to purchase a birthday gift for Tanya´s cousin´s kid. We then headed a few blocks to the birthday party. There Valentina was able to play with other kids and seemed to have a good time. After a couple of hours we went to Tanya uncle’s house to visit with him and his family. After an hour we headed back to the house for the evening.
Me, Valentina and our good friend Yolanda Molina

Valentina and I in the center of Coyoacan 

Valentina playing at a birthday party 

Valentina hitting the pinata 

Hanging with the Santoyo family
Friday (30)
Today I woke up late and had a small breakfast. Around noon a craving for a torta came over me that had to be satisfied. I made Tanya take me to her local place for tortas and had an ham, egg and cheese torta, so good.
We then all piled into the car and went to Tanya´s aunt house. Her aunt Marti and cousin Alejandro welcomed us to their home with drinks and food. They were excellent hosts and the food was fantastic. Monica also had to settle a bet she made with me which required putting on the America soccer team jersey. This would be like me putting on a BYU jersey, utter humiliation. It was glorious. This was another great evening spent with the family.

Mexico traffic, yuck

Monica paying her debt...victory!! 

Saturday (31)
We woke up and had a great breakfast prepared by Naty.

The family then began preparations to make a traditional dinner for the evening. I had offered to supply the flautas for the dinner. I decided to go for the best flautas in town, La Casa de Tono. I arrived there only to see an hour wait to get the flautas. I finally ordered 12 flautas but the server gave me 12 orders which included a total of 36 flautas. Doh!
I tried going to a sports bar to see the Utah vs. Georgia bowl game but could not find it. I then returned back to the house. Around 7 P.M. we went to Church to pray and welcome the New Year. We then came back home to have some drinks, receive the Christmas gifts from Monica and have our dinner. After dinner we played some games and ended around 1:00 AM.

It was a calm, relaxing New Year´s Eve.

Preparing the meal for the evening

Valentina and I killing the day in Gallerias 

The family getting ready for church

Three generations

Valentina and her grandpa

Valentina and her grandma

The family in church welcoming in 2012

Tanya made an awesome torre de Flan for the family 

The family enjoying their meal

Torre de Flan makes it entrance

My 36 flautas 
Sunday (1)
Everyone woke up today very tired but satisfied due to the large meal from the night before. I woke up to give Valentina her milk, Monica then packed her bags and left back to San Luis Potosi. Her leaving marks the beginning of the end for this holiday season. We only have a few days left here and really want to make sure we enjoy the rest of our time. It was a great seeing Tanya with her sister once again.
Tanya and I took out Valentina took a park near the house. There were a lot of people out this day but it was nice to get out. The wind picked up and began to throw dust into the air. This caused me to go into a sneezing frenzy. Much to Valentina’s dismay we left the park back to the house.
After an hour the family went out to eat Barbacoa at the Arroyo. This place serves up some great food and set in a great ambiance. It used to be a bullring which got converted to a restaurant. So the place is quite large. After the meal we came back to the house to rest.

Walking the market

Walking though the park 

Enjoying the afternoon 

Waiting for the barbacoa to arrive

Pepe and Naty enjoying the evening

Tanya and I ready for the food to arrive

Food is here! good

Once again, thank you Steve Jobs
Monday (2)
This was a very lazy day. I went to the market with Pepe to pickup some quesadillas for lunch. I had 2 quesadillas and 3 Barbacoa tacos, so good.
I then watched Andre Rieu´s concert in Mexico and the Glee concert on DVD.
We then headed over to eat some churros with the family. Afterwards Pepe, Jose Luis and I went to watch Sherlock Holmes.

Tuesday (3)
Today we woke up early so we could get to the Massimo Dutti sale.This is one of my favorite stres and today is their annual sale.I´m very excited about it and the whole family is tagging along.
We stopped along the way for lunch at Kliens and picked-up some fresh juice drinks from a local vendor. This was my old neighborhood and I really miss living here.
Tanya also got her official diploma from her school.This is a big deal and it has been in the works for the last couple of years.  I´m very proud of Tanya and that she saw this thing through to the end.
Valentina and Mom waking up late

Waiting for the store to open

The family at Antara 

Valentina spotting Mickey Mouse

Pepe getting ready to eat at Kleins

Fruit good

Naty enjoying her lunch

Pepe walking Valentina through Polanco

Valentina in the Pasaje de Polanco

Outside Tanya's gastronomy school

Tanya showing off her degree

Damage done at the store

Wednesday (4)
The day had arrived to leave.   It was bittersweet but we were all happy with out time in Mexico.   It was great being back with the family and being part of Mexico.   I think this country is one of the most beautiful in the world.   It was a great way to spend the holidays and welcome in 2012.   I hope to back again soon.   
Tanya packing the luggage 

Tanya helping her mom clean up for the last time 

Enjoying each other's company at the airport 

Thanks Jose Luis for everything! 

Valentina playing around in the airport 

Scored the FREE middle seat again! 

Flying into Chicago...good to be back home

Good time with friends

Valentina dancing with her grandpa

Valentina with chule

Valentina opening her gifts

Valentina with more gifts

Valentina in her playhouse

Valentina with her toys at home


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