Sunday, November 6, 2011

Great November weekend in Chicago

The weekend began by meeting up with my friend Kevin and Harley on Friday night.  We grabbed some beers at the The Big Star, then headed out to the Southern for some fine whiskey and finished up at Lillie's Q.   Afterwards we left to see Harley's new place which he recently bought from a former Bear's player.  Needless to say to was very nice and am glad to see Harley is doing so well.

Saturday the family and I went into the city to do some shopping.  We got to see a preview of all the holiday decorations going up in the city.  I must say that Chicago does do a nice job of making the city look amazing for the holidays.   Then we came back home and had dinner with our friends the Simington's.  I finished the evening by watching the LSU-Alabama game.

This morning I woke up to a man singing on our street corner.  It was obvious that he was "high" on life and unfortunately I had to call the police.   They came 15 minutes later and took him away.  The worst part of it all was that I could not go back to sleep.  And since it was daylight savings I missed my extra hour of sleep.   Damn you Uptown!    Around 10:30 we got ourselves ready and went to eat Barbacoa with our friends the Spamers.   Afterwards we went to the Art Institute with both families.   It was great being back at this amazing museum but it is a really different experience with children.   We made it through 20 minutes of the museum before heading down to the children's play area.   We sat down and talked for 2 hours while our kids played.

It was a great weekend and am looking forward to a short work week.   I can already feel Monday approaching and am getting mentally prepared.

Tanya showing that Valentina is ready for winter

Tanya trying some tea at Teavana

Tanya eating her first sandwich at Potbelly

Valentina enjoying a Fall day in Chicago 

Valentina ready to take on Chicago

Valentina taking a break from walking

Entering the Southern

My buddy Kevin, we've been hanging out in Chicago for 5 years

Harley joining us for dinner

Enjoying some great ribs

Valentina ready to go shopping in the city

Tanya at Macy's

Tanya at one of Macy's windows

Getting some ice cream at Ghirardelli's

Tanya and Valentina checking out my shake

Tanya trying to maintain Valentina in the city

This is how Valentina enjoys watching TV

Entering the Art Institute

Walking through the Art Institute

Me with Van Gogh's The Bedroom

Tanya with Hopper's Nighthawks

Valentina and I with Wood's American Gothic

Valentina chasing pigeons in Millennium Park 

This could happen to you...beware of taking infants to art museums 

Valentina knocking down some kid's blocks 

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