Saturday, February 25, 2012

GE Shingi-Kaizen event

This week I participated in a Shingi event at the GE Zenith plant.   This is my second Lean event but the first one that I was on a designated team.  It was really amazing to see how by observing, moving things around and setting up new processes can have such a significant impact on output.

My team was tasked to improve a key production line.   This line had been set and producing for the past 20+ years.   Immediately we saw that it was not single flow or linear.   So we made it so!  The team made a lot of changes such as taking away old materials and setting up a 2 bin system with kits.  There were a host of other issues that also resulted in many new processes.  It will be interesting to monitor the progress and see if we did have a long-term impact.

This event showed me that all processes should be continually evaluated and improved upon.   I also learned that every production line should be single piece flow, the operator should never leave their station and a "U" shaped production line is the most ideal.

I enjoyed this week and hope to participate more Lean events in the future.

Sensei teaching the group on Lean

Beginning to implement changes by making the stations line up

Making this process single flow

Making my first kit for the line

New process beginning to take form 

One of the many meetings that I had with the Sensei

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Birth of Daniel

On the night of 02/12 Tanya told me she was feeling a little uneasy.   I told her to go and get some rest for the scheduled c-section the following day.  A couple of hours passed and her contractions had begun.   I told her to relax as her contractions were still 20 minutes apart and this was only the first phase of labor.   I informed Naty and my mother that the contractions had begun and they entered into a panic mode.  I told them to relax and I would call the doctor for his advice.

The doctor told us that we should hold off from going to the hospital until either Tanya's water broke or the contractions got closer together.  One hour later Tanya's water broke.   I told Tanya to get ready and left with Naty to the Prentice hospital.  We arrived at the hospital around 1:00 AM.   The receptionist told us their system was down and could not find our paperwork.   I began to get angry but was told to calm down and that everything would be alright. Tanya was then examined by two nurses who informed us that her water had not broken.   It was a false alarm.   But they decided to keep Tanya and explained they were going to inform the doctor of our status.   At 4:00 AM I was told that Tanya would have her c-section in 30 minutes.   I grabbed our suitcases and took them up to the 8th floor.   I then had to find and lead Naty to the waiting room.  Once I returned to the delivery room I found Tanya with IV's, consent forms, etc.  She was in a lot of pain.

1.5 hours later Daniel was born.   I had been through a c-section before with Valentina's birth and knew what to expect.   But the feeling of having your newborn child put into your arms for the first time is indescribable.  It can only be experienced to understand the feeling.   No question this is my favorite part and puts all the efforts, time and expenses far away from your mind.

This will be our last child and am somber that I will not experience this moment again.   Nevertheless I will always remember this day.

Naty, Mom and Valentina in the Prentice Hospital 

Tanya recovering and answering one of her many calls 

View from the room 

Mom with Daniel 

Passing time in the hospital room 

Valentina and Tanya enjoying each other's company 

Naty admiring her new grandson

Having lunch at Gino's 

Valentina passing the time waiting for the food to arrive

Valentina playing around at Gino's 


Tanya putting Daniel to sleep 

Tanya and Daniel...I spent the night with them on this day

Tanya talking with both grandmothers via Skype 

Waking up in the hospital room 

Daniel getting ready to leave 

Last few moments in the hospital 

Valentina welcoming us home in her China dress

Daniel with his grandma and aunt

The family relaxing 

Watching some TV 

Hanging out 

Both Daniel and Tanya are very tired 

Nap time  

Grandma trying to feed Valentina 

I took Valentina to the Lincoln Park Zoo 

Valentina rolling in style 

Checking out some monkeys 

Walking around Lincoln Park Zoo 

Enjoying the mild winter with a new toy

Roaming the zoo grounds 

Valentina and grandma enjoying each other 

Grandpa with his new grandson 

Me with Daniel

1st car ride together 

Enjoying a great breakfast with the family 

Everyone having a good time 

Some Egg Benedict not a bad way to start the day 

Mom changing the baby 

Playing cards

Getting ready for the day 

Valentina waiting for some food 


Changing diapers...we begin the cycle once again 

Enjoying the blessed