Saturday, December 10, 2011

Mom and Dad's Chicago visit

On Thursday (1) afternoon we left for the O'Hare airport to pick up my Mom & Dad.   They were delayed one hour since their morning flight was cancelled due to mechanical problems.   Once Tanya and I found a parking spot in the maze of O’Hare’s parking garage we met up with my parents.  They were very happy to see Valentina and noted how much she had grown since the summer. When we got back to our car we loaded up everything and headed to Machu Picchu for lunch.   Once again this place did not disappoint and even my parents were impressed with their food.

We then came back to our townhouse in Uptown for some down time.  After a couple of hours I took everyone on a quick drive through the city to see the Christmas lights.   My parents had previously visited me in Chicago during the Fall of 2006.   As we drove through the city it seemed to spark a lot memories.

The next day we woke up and ate the breakfast Tanya had prepared for everyone.   It was a Mexican breakfast with eggs, salsa, tortillas and other traditional foods.   It was very tasty.   We then got ready and went back into the city for Tanya's doctor appointment.   We had a 12:15 appointment but were not seen until 1:30!   This was very frustrating since we were all hungry and anxious to get out of the doctor's office.   Once we did leave the appointment we headed to Macy’s for lunch.  The plan was to eat in Macy’s Oak room.  The Oak room is a very old place and always decorated very nicely for Christmas.  It is a tradition for a lot of families to come here for lunch during this time of year.  Upon arriving we were told that there was a 3 hour wait to eat lunch.  Yikes!   We instantly decided to bail on the Oak room and eat in Macy's gourmet food court.   I used to eat here on occasion during my old Chicago days in 2006.   The food court's layout is much like a Las Vegas Buffett with various food stations each representing a type of food.   It is really quite good!

Once we finished eating we went to look at the Macy's Christmas window display.   This year's display is pretty interesting but I've enjoyed previous years a lot better.   My favorite was the year the windows told the story of Mary Poppins.  As we were walking down State Street we came upon a puppet show which mesmerized Valentina.  We then continued to walk down to Daley Plaza for the Bavarian Christmas Village.    The plaza is setup with traditional stores, food vendors and music that you would find in little German towns.  I always thought this was a cool idea but everything is so expensive. 

We then headed back home to rest.  Tanya and I decided to go out and see the movie Breaking Dawn.   This movie is part of the Twilight series.  It was exactly like the other movies in the series, entertaining but not all that great.   We went to the Davis Theatre which reminded me of the old theatres I went to as a child of the 80's.   Old screens, crappy seats, bad carpeting, it was awesome!

On Saturday we started the day by going to the Burlington Coat Factory.   My parents bought Daniel a bassinet.  Purchasing this made me realize that another kid will be here very shortly.   A sense of excitement and anxiety came over me.   After loading the bassinet into the car we drove to the Rock N Roll McDonald's.   We grabbed a quick lunch and joined the Untouchables Tour.   We boarded a refurbished school bus right outside the McDonalds and met our "gangster" tour guides.   We got an education on the gangster history of Chicago and Mom walked away with a free mug.   After the tour we came back home to relax.  After a couple of hours Dad and I went to a bar to watch the Cotto fight.   The only place we could find showing the fight for free was a small bar packed to the brim with people.  We walked in around 9:00 PM only to find out there were 3 more fights before the main event. We had one beer and could only find a pool table to sit on.  After 30 minutes we left and arrived home to see Mom and Tanya watching Twilight.

On Sunday we had a breakfast prepared by Mom and Dad.   We then went to Mass, Costco and headed back into the city for lunch.   My mom had a craving for ribs so we went to Twin Anchors.  My parents seemed to enjoy the atmosphere and history of the place.  Valentina enjoyed herself since she was able to run around the restaurant since there was only 1 other table eating.   After lunch I took my parents to the airport where everyone slept due to a food coma.   We arrived at the airport and wished my parents a great flight back to Salt Lake City.

It was a great weekend with the folks and am glad they got to spend time with Valentina.   I know it is always special to be with your grandparents especially when they do not live nearby.   I reflect on my own childhood and remember fondly the time spent with my grandparents in Salt Lake City and Peru.  I always felt a close connection with them even though we were far apart geographically.  I hope that Valentina and Daniel will have similar memories and experiences with their grandparents.  

Tanya and Valentina posing together in matching overalls

Mom and Valentina at Machu Picchu

Valentina eating some bread before the meal

Mom and Valentina enjoying their time together

Tanya, Mom and Valentina walking the streets of Chicago

Waiting at the doctor's office for Tanya's checkup

Dad could not make it through the visit without a nap

Valentina looking down at the city of Chicago from the doctor's office

Mom and Valentina at the Oak room

Mom and Valentina enjoying the puppet show

Dad, Valentina and I at the puppet show on State street

Mom at the Nativity scene outside the Bavarian village

Pretzel's anyone?

Tanya and I eating by OURSELVES after watching Breaking Dawn

Mom and Valentina at the Rock N' Roll McDonalds

In the bus at the beginning of the Untouchables Tour

Tanya and Valentina on the Untouchables Tour bus

Mom maintaing the calm with Valentina

Mom and Tanya walking a sleeping Valentina to Mass

Nice plate of Ribs at Twin Anchors

Everyone enjoying the meal at Twin Anchors

Valentina standing on Frank Sinatra's booth

Dad, Mom and Valentina posing together after a great meal

Standing next to the bar where Batman Returns was filmed in Twin Anchors

On the way to airport everyone got into a "food coma"

Tanya posing after another great lunch

Valentina trying to convince us to give her the Ipad

The family at Machu Picchu

Valentina and Mom overlooking the Oak room

Mom with Valentina

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thanksgiving weekend

This holiday weekend was very eventful.

It started on Wednesday (23) as we used our Field Museum memberships to go visit the Whales Exhibition.   This was a very small exhibition and a little disappointing.   I was expecting a lot more from the Field Museum.   It was also too bad that the children's play area was closed for the day.    We ended up leaving around 3:00 and headed back home.   After arriving at the house we had no desire to leave.

On Thursday we began our Thanksgiving preparations.   I started the day by watching the Macy Thanksgiving Parade with Valentina.   We had ordered our Thanksgiving meal from Dominik's.    Tanya requested to pickup the food at 10:00 AM.  I thought that this was too early since we would not have the Spamer family over until 4:00 P.M.    But it was a good thing she had chosen the time since the turkey came uncooked!   I thought it was given to us ready to eat!   I then sat down to watch some football games and play some FIFA '12.   The Spamer family came over and provided us with some tasty wine.   In the end everything was great and everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving.

On Friday I decided at the last minute to take the family to the Willis Tower.   When we arrived there was a 3 hour wait to reach the Skydeck.   I told Tanya that we would return another day when it was less crowded.   This is where the stories differ but essentially we decided to go and check if there was a baby entrance.   As we entered the building we skipped a long line by getting right unto an elevator.   I thought this elevator took us to the Skydeck.   Wrong!   It took us to another long line to get tickets to the top.   We waited 30 minutes before getting to the front of the line.   I had purchased tickets online but was told we had to exchange them for tickets at the booth.   Doh!   Tanya went to exchange the tickets while I stayed with Valentina.    After another 20 minutes we handed our tickets to an attendant only to enter another waiting area.   45 minutes later we were escorted into a movie screening detailing the history of the Willis Tower (aka Sears Tower).    After the movie we were taken through a series of 3 elevators to the Skydeck.   Once there I snapped a quick photo of Tanya.   Then we saw the line to go back down to the main level.   It was at least a 1 hour wait.   I complained that the meter was going to run out of time and was going to get issued a ticket.   Tanya became instantly mad and frustrated while marching directly to the front of the line to complain about pregnancy pains.   This got us to the front of the line and down to the main level.   Total time spent at the top of the tower 3-5 minutes.   Unbelievable!   I told  Tanya that we would return one day with her mom.

We then arrived home for 45 minutes before heading out again to the Lincoln Park Christmas lights.   I had been recommended to visit this event by a fellow co-worker, Kyle O'Connor.    We headed down with the Simingtons and Spamers.   The park did a really nice job of lighting the zoo.   There were ice sculptures, vendors, animals and a lot of people.   The best part was we found parking very easily and the weather was not too cold.   After spending about 2 hours there we headed to Edwardo's for some deep dish pizza.   This was a great way to end the day.

On Saturday we got ready to visit the Prairie Premium outlets.   These outlets are located in Wisconsin and is about 1 hour from our home.   We arrived to find a parking lot full of cars.   We shopped for Christmas presents and ourselves at Banana Republic, Old Navy,  Carters, etc.   There were some great deals for sure!   I have a feeling we will be back there someday before leaving Chicago.   I then introduced Tanya to White Castle.   The sliders were nasty and overpriced.   I'm sure that will be the last time I eat at White Castle.   We then drove back home in the rain and arrived around 4:00 P.M.

On Sunday we went to eat some tortas at Los Comales.   This place has become one of our favorite stomping grounds in Chicago.   Afterwards we went to see the Chicago Wolves who are the local hockey team.   It was a nice afternoon to spend with the family.   Once the game ended we came back home to rest from the long weekend.

This week my parents arrive for a visit.   Everyone is very excited to have them here for the weekend.

Tanya and Valentina entering the Whales exhibition 

Tanya and Valentina at the Nativity exhibition 

Valentina and I overlooking the Main Hall at the Field Museum 

Valentina blending in with the locals

Tanya and Valentina playing around before entering the Pacific exhibition

Valentina making some new friends

Tanya and Valentina at the 9/11 exhibit

Tanya with the real head of Sue

Tanya about to begin cooking our Thanksgiving dinner

Table is about ready for our guests

Tanya cutting into her first Turkey

Everyone enjoying the dinner together

About to enter the Willis Tower

"Heck no we are not going to wait in the line!"

It is a long way up to the top 

The only picture of Tanya at the Skydeck

Looking down from the Skydeck

Entering Zoo lights at Lincoln Park 

Tanya walking through the zoo

Tanya and Valentina enjoying the is about 5:30 and already this dark 

Tanya, Larisa and Valentina having great time

Looking at one of the ice sculptures

Picking up some pizza at Edwardos

Getting coffee on the way to the outlets in a food court in the middle of the highway

Doing some shopping

Valentina trying to keep up with her parents

Walking through the outlets....alllll done...whew! 

Valentina coloring herself with an M&M

Going to Los Comales

Valentina ready for some food

The food has arrived 

My torta and taco al pastor

Valentina enjoying her taco

Valentina driving around Dominik's

We are waiting for Valentina to wake-up for the hockey game

Entering the Wolves hockey game with our gear

Getting ready for the Wolves' entrance 

Go Wolves!!! Owwwwwwww

Mom and Valentina enjoying the game 

Great way to spend a Sunday afternoon 

Valentina and I bonding 

Valentina doing some last minute grocery shopping

Valentina dancing at the hockey game

Introduction to the Wolve's players

Zoo lights

More Zoo lights